Daily Quote 45

Daily Quote 45

????????The term ‘spiritual ego or pride’ refers to the result of the illusion that there is a ‘personal self’ that is doing the spiritual work. The spiritual ego is counteracted by humility and gratitude that emanates from the Self. Spiritual intention attracts higher levels of consciousness which are experienced as grace: Life waking up to Itself in Itself.????????

Daily Quote 43

????????All spiritual learning is unlearning. One does not learn patience, one unlearns impatience. How does one unlearn impatience? You have to become aware. You have to SEE the impatience when it is there. See it as often as possible. Seeing it again and again brings a realization that brings about transformation – the collapse of impatience and the natural emergence of patience. TO SEE IS TO BE FREE.????????

Daily Quote 45

Daily Quote 42

????????Remember that you ARE love. It is your VERY nature. All that is needed is to live it. To express it, to let it flow, to allow it to happen. ????????