Lockdown Day 315 – Ownership

As our journey continue one has times of self doubt, periods of emotional lowered energy and general melancholy. It is our responsibility to take ownership of these periods and manage the energy. What one allows will grow. Remove the weeds. Our subliminal audio products on offer, used in a continuous daily routine assist one to take back control. Take ownership of your circumstances download an audio today and experience the change. You are awesome, do the most amazing click of your life and download a journey of discovery โ›ˆ! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ Our team is standing by to assist. Feel free to contact us at www.ineuniverse.com for assistance. Use your time and energy wisely. Take ownership. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Lockdown Day 314 – Participation.

Have the awareness to create the desired outcomes and energy to follow through on who you are. Your uniqueness and creativity in the multiverse allows your example to stand out as a guiding light. Participate. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Lockdown Day 313 – Gatekeeper

Who is guarding the gate to your thoughts? In these times of mass media one is bombarded with a multitude of information. How does one guard against the build up of reactive energy? At www.ineuniverse.com subliminal audio messages are available to strengthen oneโ€™s resolve against the continuous attack. Get your audio of choice and set a daily routine, listening and allowing positive affirmations to strengthen your subconscious gate keeping ability. The choice is yours. We canโ€™t stop the exposure but one can decide what influences are allowed into the subconscious mind. Be aware and keep a tightly managed gate. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Lockdown Day 312 – Sharing

During unusual times it is important to allow energy to flow. By hoarding one prevents this flow. However important it is to prepare and stock up, it is also important to share. What one put out returns with increased abundant energy. What one share doesnโ€™t have to be material, sometimes it could be wisdom, knowledge or faith. Always know that energy flow, it cannot be suppressed. Where does your regenerating energy flow today? Let us know what you are sharing without expectation. With love ๐Ÿ’• S

Lockdown Day 310 – Arrival

As one starts a new day, week and month, the opportunity presents itself to make small adjustments, to things in oneโ€™s routine that doesnโ€™t work. Giving specific attention to little detail and realign the energy. I am making the most out of each situation with the resources available to me. I am amazing and I am grateful to be me. Abundance follow me and I Graciously accept the energy. I am here where I have arrived to be the best me today. I am aware and provide a service that add value to mankind. I act ecologically and allow energy to flow, what I am giving, I am receiving back in ten fold. I arrived to a dawn of new awakening. I am blessed and thankful. I am…… With love ๐Ÿ’• S.