Lockdown Day 309 – Destination

During one’s journey through life many points of interest presents itself. Sometimes we linger around as some stages has great energy and other times one just wants to get out of there. Is the ultimate destination clearly planned? If it is, one will not be exposed at the stop overs for longer than serves its purpose! Are your destination clarified? Let our team support you if required. Get your destination and the route there clarified. Live a life of purpose, instead of just filling space. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 308 – Baggage

If you say you can’t or you say you CAN. You are right. While on your life’s journey what baggage do you carry with you? Is it serving you? Where’s your thoughts 💭? Is it not time to clarify your desired goal and unpack and discard the useless baggage 🧳! To do that, one 1st needs to be clear on what it is, that “desired outcome”. If it is to be it’s up to me! Journaling and keeping records assist one to keep a pinpoint focus on the desired outcome…. keep your eye 👁 on the prize with eagle 🦅 like vision. At www.ineuniverse.com audio downloads provide top quality subliminal audio to support your mental focus and channel energy towards an Eagle 🦅 like vision. Enhance your desired plan and download your selection today. 🥇 repack your bags, be lean and mean, let go if the old baggage that no longer serve your desired outcome! With love 💕 S

Lockdown Day 307 Traveling

Traveling. On our journey through life, does one go in and blindly bounce from incident to incident? Likely not, there is a certain amount of planning that goes on. Would you not agree that if one plan one’s daily activity in a similar way, the results could be more defined? Unplanned things can happen however if our energy is focused and channeled the likelihood of achieving the desired outcome is exponentially increased, is it not? Enjoy 😊 the journey. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 306. Conflict

Pick your fights. Although one strives to live in a certain balance… one has to remain, egoless, aware and awake to the continuous challenges in the world. Accept that, not everyone likes one, be aware of the tamest of associates, those with the sharpest teeth (those one allows into the inner circle) ET, TU, BRUTUE (You to Brutus?) and know that others have their own agenda. Let it go, stand back observe and calmly go back, factually and dissipate the up rising. Remember, I am, is the most powerfull words vin one’s vocabulary and I am indicates that I am, GOD like and I am co-creator in my ineuniverse. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 305 – Reporting

Reporting. After all is done ✅ there is the small action of giving feedback. Nothing is really done until the paper 🧻 work is done ✅. In life it is pretty much the same. One journal and keep a written record for reflection in the future. Doing that also assist when it comes to having to report, to oneself, on the progress one has made. Certainly helps with building perspective of one’s desired outcome. Have you done ✅ your report on life? Reflect on where you currently are and evaluate the information against what your aim is. With love 💕 S. 🥇
p.s. at www.ineuniverse.com a team is standing by to coach and guide YOU on the journey of self discovery, development and achievement. Contact us today and live beyond the limitations.

Lockdown Day 304 – Predictably

How one address certain situations can become predictable once one understands the complexity of the situation. To do this one needs a certain awareness and experience. Even our conditioning can be predictable. Journaling and keeping records assist one with future decisions and hence a certain level of awareness to predict the outcomes. Where some may call it uncanny or having a sixth sense, may it not just be experience? Are you able to channel your energy to predict certain outcomes? 🆓 With love 💕 S.