Lockdown Day 297 – Beliefs

Changing negative conditioning and believes โ€˜It ainโ€™t that easy as some coaches will make one believeโ€™. ๐Ÿ™„ Holding onto active believes that positively feed the abundance available is hard work and a continuous activity. One will continue following oneโ€™s written goals and breakdown the big tasks into smaller workable actions. Using audio entrainment one can setup affirmations to use continuously. Changing the deeply engrained conditioned believes will take a dedicated effort. Are you ready, have you got a defined plan? If this answer is NO… Time to let go of the past baggage…. Contact www.ineuniverse.com and weโ€™ll introduce you to a team of dedicated coaches that will guide you through the process of beliefs adjustment! ๐Ÿ”‘If it is to be, it is up to me!๐Ÿ”‘ With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Lockdown Day 296 – Intention

Have you got a written out plan, is it in your journal? This is to fall back on once your intention starts wavering. To reconfirm your initial thoughts and committed intention. At www.ineuniverse.com our audio products assist one with those areas that require strengthening. Get a copy today. Remember your intention to act out the change you deserve to be. I have all the energy this day to make a active difference in my energy field. People look at me and see the change, I am awesome and I intentionally make a difference to those that see me as an example of active change. With intended love ๐Ÿ’• S

Lockdown Day 295 – Rot

Following a habitual daily program keeps the rot at bay. Are your program clearly defined and are you following the plan with commitment. With love ๐Ÿ’• S

Lockdown Day 294 – Enthusiasm

One receives what energy one is putting out. If one receives patches of challenging energy or if it is going well, one is in control. The universal energy vibrates at different frequencies and our enthusiastic participation can make the difference. One can change the vibration at which one resonates. Being clear on what one desire, one vibrates at a certain frequency. Enthusiastically tune that vibration into the overflowing active positive abundance available right now, every second, every moment. Take control of the dial, tune into a different frequency. You decided, the choice is yours. Live enthusiastically. With love ๐Ÿ’• S

Lockdown Day 293 – Acceptance

Circumstances keeps changing and oneโ€™s acceptance of this does not mean giving up. It much rather mean that one accept the change and actively adapt oneโ€™s plans to comply with the rules but still driving towards the desired outcome. ๐ŸฅŠ I have tenacity and I am at peace with change. My super flexibility facilitate my egoless freedom. I am co-creator in my life. I am successful and I have peace in my emotions. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Lockdown Day 292 – Satisfaction

Day 292. Satisfaction. Are you content with your current situation? Are you truly satisfied with the energy levels in your universe? If from the heart โ™ฅ๏ธ you answer YES, it is all good! Then you found the golden key ๐Ÿ”‘. I understand that I am in control of my reaction towards the circumstances in the universe. I am satisfied that I have full awareness of my reaction and I am actively managing my journey. My energy is channeled towards my end goal and I am managing my feelings, I am controlling my circumstances. I am allowing the SPIRIT within to be my guide. I am acting egoless, I have everything that I desire and in GRACE I am receiving more. I am humbly satisfied with my outcomes. I am co-creator in my life and I am aware. Every moment, I am in control of my thoughts and I live a life of satisfaction. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.