Lockdown Day 291 – Laughter

The free medicine from within! Find time to see the funny side of life. Using time to go back into one’s journal and reviewing past experience’s allows us to take a different view on what happened. πŸ“” Using the memory enhancement, audio download available at www.ineuniverse.com assist one to mentally review life 😁. I am daily using affirmations that stimulate my memory and assist me with seeing the humor in life. I have a good laugh every day. I am awesome and I am in control of my life.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 290 – Flow

Energy is flowing and one makes the decision to go with it or not. Actively channeling the energy available, not with standing the circumstances, is a decision. Like the Bible story about the talents, one can either hide, be mediocre or actively manage the energy. Be clear on the outcome, have a plan and commit to the route. Direct the energy surrounding you and flow with it. Circumstances are changing how we fliw with it is a decision. πŸ§˜β™‚οΈ I have access to unlimited abundant ability within me, I am directing the flow actively toward the desired outcome.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 289 – Goals

Using daily affirmations to breakdown written goals in workable chunks assist one with achieving seemingly impossible tasks. We are bombarded by information. Potentially distracting one from the Pre planned desired outcome. By journaling one is able to manage and stay on the desired route. Achieving written goals is a process. Just follow the path.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 288 – Money

Here is a truth. You can not β€œmake” more money! πŸ™„πŸ€ͺ😜. In fact you are not allowed to do this! πŸ₯Š Only the reserve bank / government is allowed to make more money πŸ’΄! However, that said, one can become part of the 3% that earns more money 😁 legally πŸ˜ƒ. At www.ineuniverse.com audio downloads are available, have you downloaded your update, recently? Our audio products are available to take one on the journey through life to realize the financial goals. Money is a subject that makes people very defensive, saying things like it is not everything etc… and off course it’s not…. but you try living in this realm without it πŸ™„. Re program your mind, get out of the financial gutter, start attracting the unlimited abundance of wealth,,, I have multiple sources of income and I experience money flowing into my coffers easily and abundantly. I am a service provider that clearly receives money β€œenergy” in accordance with the value that I deliver. I am….

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 287 – Words

Once uttered can never be returned. When one speak about your own life, release positive affirmations. The energy will return! Reactive or active, it is a conscious decision. You decide.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 286 – Clarify

Do you know what you want? Keeping a written record and breaking dreams into achievable daily activity one improve the chances of completing a goal. My journal πŸ“” is up to date. Having a clear daily vision assist me in achieving small steps towards the major vision . I am using my time energy wisely.

With love πŸ’• S.