Lockdown Day 273 – Smile

Live with laughter in your heart, mind body and soul. There is something magical in a smile. See the other side of all this seriousness. One’s journey can be difficult or joy. How one acts is a decision, you decide your desired outcome. Smile. πŸ˜‡

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 272 – Celebrate life

Today one Gracefully accept the energy and blessing of life. As the day is dedicated to the birth of the Christian Saviour one humbly bow before the Creator. One accept the Blessings of life and humbly pray for forgiveness. Use time and energy wisely, sometimes by journaling and reflecting, during moments of contemplation, solutions become apparent. Take a moment today… go into silence and celebrate 🎊 LIFE!
πŸ†— @ www. ineuniverse.com grab an audio download to assist with a 20 odd minutes of self enhancement entrainment. Get into the zone… Today celebrate πŸŽ‰ LIFE.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 271 – Viewpoint

There is so much fake news in international media. Does one internalize this? Does one allow the inner self / ego to be conditioned by these subliminal conditioning? Or does one create one’s own news and way? Using the subliminal audio downloads from www.ineuniverse.com one is using brain entrainment to create new neuro pathways enhanzing one’s view point. One is responsible for one’s own actions and these create our outcomes. Be honest and embrace your desired outcome. Act like you already own or have possession of the desired outcome and channel your energy towards your viewpoint.

With love πŸ’• S

Lockdown Day 270 – Conduit

One is merely a channel to energy. The flow is being controlled within. Active or reactive, it is one’s own choice. As with any conduit, the quality of substance gets filtered to allow only the purest content to appear at the end. Which filters are active in your system. Reactive I want or need or Active I am and I have statements. Protect the conduit with the correct filters.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 269 – Content

Today I am blessed and thankful for the abundance that I have. I receive abundance and I am grateful. My efforts reflect my daily outcomes. I am awesome and I love the journey. I give and share with those that require direction. I am content!

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 268 – Alignment

As the planets reaches a peak alignment to create a natural spectacle today. One could reflect and ask, am I alinged to my goals and desired outcomes? Use the tools available and pursue the abundance within. Everything one need is within.

With love πŸ’• S.