Lockdown Day 261 – Satisfaction

Are you satisfied? Have you achieved what you want? Did you journal and kept a record? If you affirm and acknowledge these questions daily, you are blessed and living in Grace. One meets the daily challenges, seeking new solutions achieving the desired outcomes by giving focussed attention to the detail. One has the satisfaction and knowledge that one’s desired outcomes are achieved! Be the difference, be proud and smile πŸ˜ƒ you are awesome!!

With love πŸ’• S

Lockdown Day 260 – I am!!!

You finish the sentence. This morning go to www.ineuniverse.com buy an audio clip and listen to the clip. Become one with the multiverse. You are the most amazing, awesome person in your world 🌍 with unlimited energy from the multiverse.

With love ❀️ S.

Lockdown Day 259 – Serial motivator

You are you know! Yes you! Just getting up and interacting with the person next to you, you are a motivator, the change that the person next to you need at that moment! Go out and be the β€œ I am focused and positive and I am making a difference with active energy!”

With love πŸ’• S

Lockdown Day 258 – Power of words

There is great power in one’s words. Act mindful and recognize the fact that, what we say once said can never be taken back. We cannot unscramble a scrambled egg. Once you spoke those words, it cannot be taken back. Live in mindfulness and think πŸ€” of what you are saying next!

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 257 – Mirrors

Life often allows us to see ourselves mirrored in people we interact with. How one act in certain circumstances positive or negative, is a reflection of our conditioning. What are you reflecting today?

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 256 – X-ray

As with the body, if one did a scan of one’s consciousness, what will the scan show? All things that we allow into our energy field is our responsibility, one cannot blame anyone or anything else. I am ultimately responsible for my world. At www.ineuniverse.com we support clients with audio products to enhance the subconscious functions. We di make a difference on the X-rays. Actively participating and doing daily activity makes a difference in the world 🌍. I am committed to developing my subconscious awareness and consciously make a difference today!

With love πŸ’• S