Creating a daily routine and allowing time for physical and mental exercise at the same time each day prepare one’s desired outcome. As creatures of habit, structure creates a basis for stability. What one does today is preparing the future outcomes. There ain’t no silver bullet. Things will not suddenly be OK. Preparing and routinely working the plan towards the desired outcome will have the active result that one desire! Act today and prepare your active results that you desire! Let it slide and find yourself down the line reactively having to bat outcomes you did not desire! Your choice. Active preparation or reactive covering all the bases…. I am in control of my journey and my outcome, I actively prepare my future and I receive abundance beyond my desire, by routinely working the plan that I prepared. My absolute focus is directly linked to the outcomes. I am egoless and thankful for the abilities I receive to make the difference in the future. I am awesome and blessed.

With 💕 S.

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Stephan le Roux