Start with the playing of your download and doing the 5 minute breathing exercise!
Again being mindless and really focus on a deep breath in, and hold for 5 seconds and then let it all out….. repeat! Keep doing this for 5 minutes….

While you continue listening to the music ???? pull up your poster and journal ????.
Remember there is no right or wrong. Just remain in the zone!

Visually see in your minds eye ???? how you have already achieved each of the points on the vision board.

All related ideas can be added to the vision board. Journal onto the ideas page the other new ideas. Try and singularly focus on the main idea. Just sit, relax and dream on achieving your desired outcome of the main idea ????

Continue your download and sit relaxed just letting everything go! You are the best…. you are a winner just let the ideas flow… expand…

Add more ideas, remember to continue listening to your download and maintain your focus on your poster, feel the freedom and self actualization.
Remember there is unlimited abundance and you have access to tap into a higher energy. So just let your ideas flow.
Continue your music, as this is a tool that one use to open up the portals to the inner self…
You are awesome and you are achieving amazing results… you are a WINNER!

Just continue this process for 20 minutes and repeat this visualization 3 to 6 times a day!
You can achieve your outcome. Listen to your download music ???? as much as you possibly can…

You are planting new seeds and by repetitive listening to the music new neural pathways are formed. You are on your way to achieve the successful outcome you deserve and desire!

Don’t Spare the Horses ???? go all out!

For assistance and discussion on creating your vision board, feel free to contact me…. continue the music ???? several times per day!

With love ???? S.

PS. See you at the top ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? remember to hug the most important person in your life… yourself ????????????????

We are now winning ….

Everyday the sun rises to do it’s bit. Some days it’s cloudy ⛅️ sometimes it’s misty and other times it is all bright and open sky!!! Whatever the circumstances, relentlessly the sun ???? arrives. Achieving new outcomes is pretty much the same, if you really desire it!!! One have all the opportunities you decide what to do with it! It is one’s own responsibility to make the change , be the change, one lives with the consequences of oneself! Remember… YOU are the I am… co-creator in your world ????.

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Stephan le Roux