
Are you happy with what you have? Do you need more? Doest hese possesions define you? In all the lands, one gathers possessions to impress others and mostly one’s own EGO. These are futile, if one gathers it to feel valuable. Be happy with what you’ve got, more possessions often brings more burdens, ps. here is a secret, none of it is going on the journey once one leave! Let not, possessions, define one! With love ❤ S.


Carrying grudges hurts one subconsciously, it takes away energy from living, re channel by forgiving. There is to little time, let it go, live in the here and now. Be passionate and see how active energy escalate one from the depths of resentment. With love ❤ S.


Is one in relationships of equable genuine exchange or just a mere supporter of someone else’s life spectacle? Become absent of misuse. With love ❤ S.


One’s reaction to chaos is a decision, there’s basically 3 options. Reactive anger, passive frustration and logical acceptance. One decides the action based on habits and conditioning. Are you remaining in conscious control? With love ❤ S.


Live, life in awareness and preparedness. Vibrating at a frequency of happiness creates circumstances where one seldom gets surprised by actions others take. How often does the wind get taken from your sails, and leave you totally surprised, by the events that unfold around you? With love ❤ S.