Lockdown Day 232 – Be content

Living in the knowledge that one receive everything that one wants within HIS GRACE β™ΎπŸ™. Be thankful for the the abundance in blessings one receive daily. Live ecological knowing that the footprint πŸ‘£ one leaves behind will make the world a better place for those who follow. I am awesome and I am grateful. I am being the outcome I desire, right now. I live in the knowledge that my actions right now creates my future results. I am living egoless I am a super star and I am continuously receiving unlimited blessings. I give freely and I attract so much goodwill. I am surrounded with greatness. I am valuable, I am…. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 230 – Vision

It is often said, what the subconscious dream, our conscious mind perceives, we can achieve! What input and conditioning is your dreams made off? What are you feeding your dreams? What is the desired outcomes and what is actually happening? Is there a requirement for change or are you content? What is your ultimate vision?

πŸ€” πŸ’ πŸ₯° βš’ πŸ”₯ πŸ€ 🎯 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ β™Ύ 🏁
You have a toolset to enhance what input you are daily bombarded with… are you making use of the tools available?
If not…. why not? What magic power is preventing one to go towards fulfilling one’s dreams and actively be…?
Make the difference today! 🏴☠️ Be disruptive and shake off the bonds that are holding you down, live your VISION and THRIVE.
With πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 229 – Clarify

Setting goals and journaling. There is so much importance in having firmly defined goals. Not for when all is good but for times of uncertainty and doubts. As a winner one knows this and practice the principle, don’t you? By taking each goal and adding creative thinking to expand the body of the goal the journey to achieve that goal becomes clearer. It is your dream, anything you want the goal to be can be added. Be expansive and clarify your achievement. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 228 – Keep going

Sometimes things unexpectedly come across one’s path. All the plans made, goals set, everything just seem to be to no avail. Get up and keep going. Stand up and face the circumstances, dig deep within and just let the answer come to you. One has all the resources required locked πŸ”’ in. Tools πŸ›  from www.ineuniverse.com used regularly can assist one with creative thinking πŸ€”. Your imagination can be developed subconsciously, by using the subliminal audio entrainment one’s creative thinking blossom. Keep going. You are a winner of choice, nothing can hold you down. You decide to… keep going, focussed on your desired and planned outcomes. With πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 227 – Team work

One is only as strong as the weakest link in the team. Successful leaders have the ability to lead from within the team. They do not have special powers or traits. They do not act from ego. Instead they allow each member in the team to act out their own role to the best of their ability. Patiently nudging and guiding members towards the desired and agreed outcome. Are you a team leader within? Knowing your weakest link. Are you working daily to nudge and guide yourself towards your desired outcome? ⭐️
Visit www.ineuniverse.com and see the subliminal products to assist, you as team leader, make a difference in your own experience!
We are standing by to assist you, with guidance and nudges to be the best you, YOU want to be!!!☝️
Remember β€œI am, focussed, dedicated and absolutely guaranteed, that my outcomes are directly the result of my inputs!!!” Patiently leading my internal team to achieve the desired outcome.

Re-channeling energy that is not serving the outcomes and dedicate TIME to internal team work. I am a great leader, I receive everything that I work for, the solutions already pile up for me to use as circumstances require. I have it all and I am dedicated to my internal team work, I am. πŸ† With love πŸ’• S.