Lockdown Day 393 – Privileged

Are you reading this message on a electronic device, supported by underlying technologies??? Well love, you fall in the category of privileged people. Stand up be straight backed, believe in your abilities and know you are the difference in your world. Be firm and dedicated with commitment to your desired outcome. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 392 – Others

As you judge, you are internalizing what you subconsciously see wrong inside. Let go of what others do, focus on the you! Leave the ego where it belongs, alone. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 391 – Powerhour

Take time to recharge, go into a space with deep breathing and relaxed attention. Use the audio download with a headset and zone out into the subliminal energy available within. Set an intent and for 20 minutes listen to the brain entrainment audio. Then remain in the silence for another 20 minutes. Journal the thoughts you have in the last 20 minutes. Let it just flow do not try and force it. It will happen! You are an achiever, we are proud of you! With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 390 – Joy

I knew her well, the one old man said. She came with gifts of love, family and friends. She was hard work and constant practice. She was honest and youthful, she was a beauty! She brought fame and succes and she put a smile on everyone’s face. She is still around and she teases me still, in my dreams. I have had her as companion all my life. Never demanding but always hard work. To have her I had to focus and let go of my ego. Said the old man. Next to him sat a bitter old person who said, β€œI never met her! Can you introduce us?” The first answered, Sure just smile and allow her beauty in. She will find you, she is in everything one does with commitment and dedication. β™Ύ Be with joy and see how sorrow leave. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 389 – Change

Change a losing game. Using subliminal audio products one can enhance your innovative energy. Brainstorming with your inner being, you get to engage with qualities and energy that can attract solutions beyond the conscious realm. Embrace this change and go from survival to thriving in the constant changing world. Get your audio download today and act with confidence beyond the normal. Set yourself up with different energy and embrace the successes. The answer is already within… love the change, enjoy a successful journey. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 388 – Resistance

Sometimes one has to let go! What one resist in life seems to persist. With subliminal audio entrainment, one can enhance the emotions and channel the energy to let go. Remember you are all good. Just let energy that no longer serve, GO! The tools are hidden inside your toolbox, your being. Break the emotional barrier and release the resistance. All is good. With love πŸ’• S.