Lockdown Day 367 – Valor

Today face the fears with great valor. It is a constant battle to find the answers within. Some deep breathing and opening up / letting go of the noise in one’s head is by far the greatest battle ever. To assist with creating new nero pathways and genuinely forming those in the long run, one’s daily activity needs adjustment. This battle within is one of the greatest challenges each one has. Fight with valor and stick to your plan. Within, oneself, as one desires without. To see change in this world one has to be the change. Valor in the battle. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 366 – Conditioning

What habits does one allow to creep in and systematically change one’s conditioning. The media continues to put messages out there. Whether one agrees or not, continuously listening and hearing this information has a subliminal conditioning effect. Do you know how you are affected? Stand firm and make time to daily listen to the audio downloads that loads active positive affirmations into one’s subconscious. Change the results in your life by affecting your conditioning… be the change you want to see! You are awesome and your, I am, daily mantras condition the subconscious with your desired outcome. Just do it! With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 365. Design

Create a designer lifestyle and achieve everything that you plan. Using subliminal audio messages the active subconscious mind makes changes to one’s benefit while the conscious mind is sleeping or resting. One is co-creator in this life. Let go and achieve your designer plans. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 364 – Flow

Sometimes we swim and learn as we go against the current. Other times we let go and flow with the current . Wherever we find ourselves, is what it is, how we act however is our decision. With love 💕S. Ps. Smile 😊 it will brighten up your day 😘

Lockdown Day 363 – Announcement

Announcement. This was the day in history that totally changed the face of the way South Africa 🇿🇦 operates. At COB this evening 1 year ago the COVID 19 lockdown was announced.
The impact on the human race was severe and it changed the way our energy flow is managed. One however still got up and continued living. A tweak in the plans was required….. With love 💕 S.

The start.
A message.
LOCKDOWN…. this was day one of the journey we shared. Some was added later some joined before the actual event but we all endured the past year of challenges as champions, not so? You are awesome 👏 and the most amazing person in your multiverse. Live life egoless …



We sometimes create so much worry and fear about life – which is not true about life. It is the ego-mind that interprets life in this way or that way. It’s quite a subjective thing. You say, ” Life is difficult!” Life is not difficult. You are living it difficultly, you see. It can be everything and anything, depending on your level of consciousness. You are not the creator of life, but you are the creator of the reality you are experiencing.🍃🙏
Be the conscious co-creator. 🍀


Een jaar gelede / one year ago this was day one ☝️.
Oor die volgende drie weke is die gala aan, en gaan jy heel moontlik ñ baie beperkte spasie deel met mense wat jy nog altyd gedink het jy baie goed mee oor die weg kan kom. Na 5 jaar in Afghanistan, en tallose “hard lockdowns” wat soms tot ñ maand geduur het, deel ek graag so paar gedagtes van my eie ondervinding.

1. Dis moeilik. Nee, dis vrekmoeilik! Veral hier na dag 10, wanneer die nuutheid en die snaaksheid daarvan begin verdwyn. Jy gaan jou selfdissipline moet opknap en skerp hou.

2. Ontwikkel vinnig ñ gemaklike roetine waar jy ñ gesonde balans tussen jou eie tyd en tyd saam met die res van die huishouding balanseer.

3. Moenie lyf wegsteek met dagtakies nie – bring jou kant. Maar moet ook nie ñ pyn in die gat wees vir ander en hulle die heeltyd op en af order nie. Nerwe raak vinnig dun so.

4. Jy gaan dinge van die mense rondom jou leer, raaksien en ontdek wat jou nog altyd ontgaan het. Meeste daarvan gaan jou nie laat giggel nie. Deal with it, en byt op jou tong. Hulle besef ook skielik dat jy nie so perfek is soos wat jyself glo nie.

5. Hou ñ fyn ogie oor die mense rondom jou. Die swart hond het ñ slegte gewoonte om in hierdie tye sy intrek te neem. En as dit nie hy is nie, is dit daai jakkals wat hulle Onverdraagsaam roep. Hou altwee van jou deur af weg.

6. Wanneer jy toegelaat word om te reis/beweeg, vermy enige ding in uniform so ver moontlik. Niks sit die deursnee spietkop/soldaat/polisieman op ñ power trip soos omstandighede soos hierdie nie.

7. Bly besig, al is jy net besig om rustig te wees. Dit sorg dat jou kop nie warm raak met allerhande worries en stres nie. Dinge is wat dit is – die troos is dat bittermin van ons NIE hierdeur sal kom nie. Sorg dat jou verhoudinge hierna sterker en beter is. Dit sal ñ bummer wees as jou eerste stop na lockdown die egskeidingsprokureur of malhuis is.

8. Bly positief. This too shall pass. Dit doen altyd. Hierdie is nie oorlog nie. Ontgin jou kreatiwiteit. Smee nuwe planne vir die toekoms. Droom groot en berei jouself voor om gat te skop wanneer die deure weer oopswaai.

9. Hou ñ ruim voorraad popcorn. Jy gaan dit nodig hê wanneer jy sit en toekyk hoe die ouens wat nie hierdie raad volg nie self-destruct. Vermy snowflakes – daai goed gaan jou mal maak met hulle entitlement en eise.

10. Jy het baie tyd op hande. Gesels ñ slag met jou Skepper, en leer Hom weer ken. Jare van nou af gaan jy terugkyk en besef hoe waardevol hierdie drie weke regtig was.

Ooohhhh lordy, lordy… never was a truer word spoken. 😱😱😱😱

En dan, die elfde gebod. Be safe, but have fun.

How different the result was!!!!😎😎😎. With love 💕 S. ps… wait for it….☝️☝️☝️💪👌there is more….

Lockdown Day 358 – Lucky

At times one seems to get lucky, is it real? Is it because one is at the right place at the right time? Definition of an accident is, an unforeseen, unplanned incident at an undefined location at a random time… is luck then not the same, some may ask?! If one lives with a planned journaled purpose seeking to achieve one’s goals in life, is one not creating the opportunity to be more lucky? Participating with regular purpose certainly increases the odds in one’s favor! The old saying the more I practice, the luckier I get! Certainly holds still today. Stand up, channel the energy to align your outcomes with your input. Use all resources available and become the luckiest person in your life. At www.ineunivers.com there is an audio download to assist you towards alignment and achieving your NIRVANA. Do it today… get lucky 🍀. With love 💕 S.