Day 852 – Credit

Accept it when received, with the awareness it is not cash. Too many are let down the path of credit at an interest, making the lender wealthy and the loaner poor. Just go ask the bank, tomorrow for a “credit”. In life one can live creditless. You are…, I am the achiever, be limitless. With love 💕 S.

Day 851 – Free

Let go of the reactive energy, this keeps one bound as prisoner of oneself. Actively accept oneself and live free. With love đź’• S.

Day 850 – Me

Just be! You are awesome, you are me! With love đź’• S.
Start this new week on steroids….. be me🥰

Day 849 – Accept

One has abundance in everything around us, it is all energy! Actively channel thoughts towards acceptance and be surprised how unlimited abundance fill one’s life. With love 💕 S.
Be truly free, accept!

Day 848 – Listen

This attitude shows that one is genuinely interested in the other person. Doing this one will often hear more than one expect. It’s also a building block towards complete trust. Listening… it takes immense effort to learn. Practice it in each situation. Great leaders actively engage this attribute. With love 💕 S.