Day 811 – Stability

One requires stability in live, as this creates the platform to build a strong foundation. Every project we tackle has success written over it, when we have a stable base. Even if adversity hits, with a stable base, solutions would be found, instead of the whole project crumbling. With love 💕 S.

Day 810 – Relax

 After all is set and done, take time for self. Make a pot of tea and sit back letting everything go. With love 💕 S.

Day 809 – Double

In conflict one lives a double life, don’t we. One being a caregiver and secondly a receiver. Balance these well and one has a fulfilling live. Actively process life, be in control. Remember “I am”. With love ❤️ S.

Day 808 – Lost

Often one may find that situations occur where one feels out of touch and on the wrong frequency, at these times our conscious disciplined conditioning becomes vital. Relax, assess and approach the situation with calmness, be a chameleon and adjust the approach and act as if one is still in control. Remember each experience is a learning curve, once we accept the situation one can actively participate. With love 💕 S.

Day 807 – Comfort

Or rather the comfort zone! Once one becomes comfortable with a situation, the downward spiral soon follows. It is not that one is doing worse, it is just the cycle of life. When one stop running the world continues, hence one goes backwards, involuntary. Where’s your comfort zones? Re-access the situation, rattle the cage and align with the current paradigm. I am an active participant in my life. With love 💕 S.

Day 806 – Pressure

How much is actual and how much is perceived? Being well prepared and trained a conditioned mind handles pressure in a different manner. In sport one develop muscle memory, this assist one to keep the tension down and the muscles flexible. In life a disciplined approach and conditioned mind consciously manage pressure differently. It is an active approach to life. Live flexibly, manage the pressure. With love 💕 S.