Day 770 – Style
One’s uniqueness is admirable and thus powerful. What are you doing today that creates an active change in self and others? Live with style. With love 💕 S.
One’s uniqueness is admirable and thus powerful. What are you doing today that creates an active change in self and others? Live with style. With love 💕 S.
Even in silence there are sounds. We are seldom really in true silence. However it is important to create an environment where one can become silent. Using subliminal audio can assist one to get into a theta state of silence. One’s control over emotions can be enhanced during these sessions. For more information visit and do an audio download. Using sound therapy. With love 💕 S.
Does the image in the mirror reflect what you want to see? Daily incremental activity chunks down the task at hand making it achievable. Reflect on your activity and assess if the reflection is a true image of the desired outcome. With love 💕 S.
Some never experience true freedom although they are surrounded with all the abundance in the world, deciding to live plan less and in perceived fear. Then there are those who internalized their active potential and plan daily steps to creating an abundant freedom. It is a choice from a conscious mind conditioned over a period, using 1% change in one’s routine daily. It is a discipline, to decide on one’s freedom. Today use the vision board you created and consciously make an effort to achieve success and live free in the abundance available. It is a choice. With love 💕 S.
The past days one had the opportunity to sit in the African bush, in personal silence and experience the noise of nature. Make time for inner silence, it is the best healer money can buy. You’ll be surprised how much more aware one becomes. Love 💕 S.
Use it wisely. Sometimes it goes quick and other times it seems to drag. Planned time allows one the most efficiency, channel one’s energy, live in rhythm and receive the unlimited abundant energy available in the universe. Be grateful and time your life to perfection. With love 💕 S.
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