Day 764 – Friends

Keep the good ones close by, one never know when to push the button on assistance. There is abundance in sharing a laugh, successes and a pat on the shoulder. As there is support, a hug and a shoulder to lean on. Be a friend, you never know when youโ€™ll be needed . With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Day 763 – Leadership

The responsibility to take charge is admirable and needs to be done ecologically. It is not everyoneโ€™s cup of tea! Leading by example is far wiser than pushing from behind! Today stand up with active intent and show the way. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Day 761 – Bucket list

How many of the items have you ticked off the past 3 years? Has those been replaced, with more? Are they different? As one progress and develop, the dreams and goals change, donโ€™t they! Take time today, re visit the bucket list and get the excitement back. Actively channeling energy towards achieving the desired outcomes! With love ๐Ÿ’• S

Day 760 – Delegate

Sharing the task at hand with a team, reduces the effect of feeling overwhelmed. Each chunk size task allocate, with a measurable timetable, assist towards achieving the desired outcome. Freely delegate with ample communication, and see how easily overwhelming tasks fall in place. With love ๐Ÿ’• S.

Day 759 – Surplus

Have a back up plan to store excessive energy. Sometimes one has more resources and energy than the task requires, this one can channel and spare, to be used for a next project. How do you store the surplus? With love ๐Ÿ’• S.