Lockdown Day 691 – Responsibility

By blaming others for a situation one gives away one’s control. Maintain the control by taking co responsibility, asking different questions. How can we do this, differently in the future? Blaming is just a reflection on self, be responsible. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 690 – Energy

Sometimes one may experience a sensation of being drained of all energy. Quite normal and if not checked one may be feeding the wolf inside. Rectify this by taking time to read through the journal, checking out the goals and reconfirm the life purpose. I am awesome and in control, I am responsible for my life and I am in control. No situation is bigger than my ability to energetically overcome it and find solutions deep inside my core. I am bouncing back and I display unlimited energy to my inner being. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 689 – Words

Choose them carefully. Words has the power to build or break. Most people has an inability to filter what come out of their mouths. As a conscious awakened being one is in control of oneself. Use the words with love and care. Imagine and consider yourself on the receiving end…. Now utter those words. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 688 – Courage

Have the courage to be. You are awesome and make the difference in your world. Never give up. Live with knowledge that you have courage to overcome all challenges on your path. With love 💕 S.

Lockdown Day 687 – Collective

Once aligned and channeled, the world energy focussed on one outcome, can achieve success in achieving a specific goal. Today in the collective world peace are requested. Together as one unit we can make the change, can’t we? What would happen if all the people in the world at the same time and moment jumped 7 times rhythmically in the air and all chanted “ohm” 7 times as their feet touched the ground…? Would ws collectively have influenced the world order? Today have peace and lets pray for this totality called earth. The insignificant speck in the universe, yet our total existence. With love ❤️ S.

Lockdown Day 686 – Clarity

In a world filled with propaganda and an overload of information, where it seems that everyone stands for themselves, it could be difficult to have a clear outlook of now and on one’s future, isn’t it? How can one get clarity? One sure fire way is by journaling and analyzing. Another is in silence and self reflection. There are breathing techniques and meditation, yoga and other, similar activity helps a lot of people to find a measure of clarity. Daily prayer is another way. Whatever suits one best, is enhanced with disciplined daily practice. Clarify oneself. With love 💕 S.