Lockdown Day 685 – Laughter

Do that consciously πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜†. The outer world has enough drama, review your personal β€˜tv show’ and laugh. We are generally taking ourselves to serious, aren’t we? Laugh and the whole source of energy will laugh with you. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 684 – Indulge

With gratitude one sometimes indulge in the fruits of our labor, the pat on the shoulder. Enjoy and relax, it is an important reward. Recharge and condition the sub conscious to expect the indulgence on a next occasion, when a big ask / challenge faces one. We thrive on acknowledgement. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 683 – Harvest

Managing one’s garden means that one gets to harvest the ripe food. Same in life, use those ideas and thoughts that has been nurtured to ripeness. Make the most of the energy and achieve maximum benefit, thrive! With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 682 – Seeds

Once a seed gets planted one nurture it by giving it water and checking on the quality of the soil. One does not dig it up to check if it is growing. The same goes with mental seeds. One maintain the environment and feed the conditions with affirmations and allow the seed to develop. Trust and relax the seeds will grow. With love πŸ’• S

Lockdown Day 681 – Creating

Everything we attract has a different approach. Constantly create different ways of doing things, if at first one does not succeed, try again in a different way. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 680 – Promote

Sell your skills and knowledge to yourself. Use mantras starting with… I have and I am. Make believe and present to the world an awesome you. It is a choice. One makes a conscious choice to put the effort into promoting oneself as an active champion in one’s own life. You are amazing, believe and promote that image to the world… the universe is waiting for your uniqueness to be prompted. With love πŸ’• S.