Each one has the right to perform on their own stage in life. Check, the sound, equalize the instruments, set the vibration level and let it rip… You’re awesome and a performance champion! With love ❤ S.
Each one has the right to perform on their own stage in life. Check, the sound, equalize the instruments, set the vibration level and let it rip… You’re awesome and a performance champion! With love ❤ S.
Words spoken in vain ain’t enough, a promise is a commitment from the party speaking, and character is build upon one’s ability to keep promises. With love ❤ S.
Depending on one’s location during an incident, 5 different persons, at different vantage points, will have 5 different views! What is the truth? With love ❤ S.
As one proceed through life, one is faced with opportunities and challenges, aren’t you? Well, challenges are just opportunities in costume! One’s experience and tenacity is required to unveil these opportunities. With love ❤ S.
Life shows us, often, that the underdog in a situation can still be triumphant, with heart felt determination! Do not give up, use everything ecological to achieve one’s desired outcome! With love ❤ S.
Often one is measured on one’s performance on the day of competition. What is not measured is the, discipline, commitment and love for the game one has put in, when others aren’t looking. Enhanced performance is no coincidence, it is a process, daily! Is one performing on one’s A game, in life? With love ❤ S.
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