Scarcity is a state of mind. Change one’s thoughts and conditions, vibrate at a higher frequency and demand one’s share of the unlimited abundance. With love ❤ S.
Scarcity is a state of mind. Change one’s thoughts and conditions, vibrate at a higher frequency and demand one’s share of the unlimited abundance. With love ❤ S.
How often does one feel caught up in circumstances? Let it go. Focus on now, what will the future hold? With love ❤ S.
As one proceed on life’s path, circumstances change. This brings opportunities in various forms. One’s conditioning steers us to what one identifies with. Taking advantage of the opportunities available. Do it now, consciously. With love ❤. S
Hidden within, each person has vibrant potential to achieve greatness in their desired field. Let go of conditioning that does not serve and embrace success. With love ❤ S.
There ain’t no free lunch! One pays for each activity one experience, either in cold hard cash or time! Studies show that, what one pays for in time has a longer lasting impact, than experiences that was bought with money! Value time, it is an unlimited commodity, with limited individual availability. Act now, living in the moment, paying with the time available. With love ❤ S.
Developing the conscious mind to accept insight when received and letting the subconscious experience the AhHa moment, is vital for conditioning oneself. This is a habit that serves one’s desired outcomes. With love ❤ S.
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