
Each of us has a great story to tell. Unique experiences, adventures and exploration. Write it down, create a journal, record your life. Was your story ever told? With love ❤ S.


Before going to bed write down 3 things one is grateful for, let it simmer during your sleep, and read it out loud in the morning. This will have life changing effects. With love ❤ S.


When one is involved with NOW and active as well as reactive things in life happens, we forget gratitude, don’t we? It’s not always easy to have gratitude, as life plays out it’s divine plan, but do it daily. With love ❤. S


Living life purposefully, with a scheduled plan, is attainable, don’t you think? Every night before one goes to bed, journal the past day and view / create, in writing the plan for tomorrow. Live one’s purpose! With love ❤ S.


What premium are one willing to pay for optimal health? As with everything it is a process of conditioning. Small daily exercise, dieting and conditioning, has an incremental effect in one month, a year and lifetime. Take care of health, NOW. With love ❤ S.


With creativity one find that initially the thoughts are scattered, then as an idea is formed, one’s focus kick in. Journaling the initial thoughts assit one to channel activity, removing the scattered distractions. With love ❤ S.