
When one pray, one’s talking and during meditation one’s in deep silence providing GOD time to speak. Take a deep breath and go into silence. With love ❤ S.


Every time we set ourselvesa goal… one better have a reward setup at achieving the desired outcome. This conditions the subconscious to believe it will be rewarded every-time it puts in the effort. With love ❤ S.


Being the driver behind one’s own success, experience also teaches us to surround ourselves with a likeminded team. Today, respect, enhance and grow your supporting team. With love S.


 Each person moving through this great expanse called time, is a bundle of energy. Each holding unique traits. Today fill your vessel with 1% more skill, and venture into a great adventure. With love ❤ S.


After all the work and waiting it became time to gather the fruits of one’s labour. Where did the seeds fall? What fruits are ready for the gathering? With love ❤ S.


Often success is just another go at it, away. Never give up. Taking care of the details often trips one up. Remember, nothing is done until the paperwork is done. Give attention to the details. With love ❤S.