
What is a paradigm? Before one can change or shift the paradigm one needs to know what it is, not so? We habitually create patterns in our lives, some serve us well, others leaves us vulnerable. Those leaving one vulnerable, needs the shift. With love ❤ S.


The medicine for sorrow, today one decide to find situations that create opportunity for laughter. Take the energy freely and abundantly available and laugh. With love ❤ S.


What difference did one make, who’s life did one change, where are the areas of improvement, when are one taking charge and who will be one’s… dream team. With love 💕 S.


Stay healthy and manage the lifestyle one lives. Today it doesn’t really matter, but glimpse around and see the volume of people around that are paying the price in their old age! Life healthy. With love 💕 S.


 Each day one make decisions, decide if it is reactive or active. Learn from poor situations and celebrate the great successes. Channel the unlimited abundance, freely available in the universe, little bit everyday, toward one’s dreams. With love 💕 S.


Can one change it? If not, let it go. Focus on the current moment, what is required right now? Tomorrow will come and be the past, the following day. With love 💕 S.