Daily we are surrounded by influencers, TV, Radio, Billboards, Magazines, Social Media, etc… What is one sharing without checking the truth? Are we part of the gossip, or truth? With love 💕 S.
Daily we are surrounded by influencers, TV, Radio, Billboards, Magazines, Social Media, etc… What is one sharing without checking the truth? Are we part of the gossip, or truth? With love 💕 S.
How one acts, when one thinks no one is watching, is a good indicator of one’s level of integrity. Where is your moral barometer set? Doing what was agreed with integrity. With love 💕 S.
One find oneself at the edge of success, and then incredibly self destruct. Design clear goals, written, clarified and committed. Action these and persist to the desired outcomes. With love 💕 S.
It’s a decision, a state of being, non ego driven. Today see how one can be peaceful in all circumstances, yet assert “self” without being walked over. With love 💕 S.
This international day of love, remember to 1st love yourself and then share that abundantly. With love 💕 S.
Once set on a path, nothing should interfere with one’s decision. Dedicatedly find a solution to each obstacle. You’re invincible, through dedication. With love 💕 S.
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