Day 991 – Winner
You are a winner, it is your nature! With love 💕 S.
You are a winner, it is your nature! With love 💕 S.
Everything is energy and in rhythm within the balance of the universe! Today embrace life and reach out to those close to one, vibrate at the universal love frequency, be in harmony and at peace. With love 💕 S.
Adjusting the frequency at which one vibrates to tune into the collective energy, abundantly available, has profound benefits for the outcomes one desire. Using past experience and acting now, one influence tomorrow. Receive everything one desire by being in tune with the collective source! With love 💕 S.
Nothing happens without one taking action. Today shift past experience’s into activity, move the energy and vibrate in tune with your desired outcomes. With love 💕 S.
How are one’s measure of the plans for the New Year doing? Have one implemented the plan? Or are we waiting for the ideal circumstances? Live, life within the moment, NOW, take daily small steps to action the plan! With love 💕 S.
Write a short paragraph on what one wants to achieve for the month ahead. Fold it into an envelope and safely store it till 31 Jan 2023! Do this today! With love 💕 S.
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