
Keep one’s thoughts and emotions close at heart. Be very decisive with whom it is shared. Like a well protected fort, create a small passageway for trust to flow, even protecting the gate with absolute integrity! With love ❤ S.


Is that the absence of light or is there more to it? This weekend, darkness comes after a green attack….🤪😜. Happy St Patricks weakend…… With love ❤ S.


Which movie are you playing? It is your choice, whatever signal one sends out to the universe, that is the energy one attracts. It’s your movie, you’re the author, script writer, director, actor and editor! Show the premiere of your choices daily! With love ❤ S.


Twinkle little star, wherever you are. Gracefully accept the circumstances and use the moment towards achieving your daily goals. Approach each situation with knowledge that one is either learning or achieving, be unstoppable. With love ❤ S.


Really understand love, universally, become a witness to life. Helping others as we want to be helped ourselves, it is so essential. With love ❤ S.


As one habitually breathes, it is natrual. We can control our breathing by focusing on it. But for most part it happens naturally. Thoughts come into our mind unconsciously, how we are conditioned, help shape these thoughts. As with breathing we can consciously control it. In both scenarios, what one does with it, is the key factor. One’s actions are a choice by decision. With love ❤ S.
