
Have you noticed the reflection of you on the world around you? With love ❤ S.


Life is like a hurricane, when the winds are high, the noises loud and everything is about, go into the inner self, the eye of the storm and evaluate the situation! Often times one will find that solutions are staring one in the face. Quietly keep control. With love ❤ S.


Manage it well, Emotional Intelligence creates opportunities for the person who stays in control. With love ❤ S.


Never say, never from that fountain will I drink. Situations and circumstances are constantly changing. Often arrogance, ego and hot headedness lead one on a path from which there seems no return. The person who is most flexible in attitude, often controls the situation. Live in harmony and in the vibration of love! With love ❤ S.


It’s gone and past, tomorrow is in our dreams and plans, today we live in the now. Make every moment possible count. You are awesome and truly remarkable, live with love, to all in your yesterdays. With love ❤. S


But no cigar. Here it is… remember your daily commitment to humanity!!! With love ❤ S. Why this late, that is the question my dear Holmes 😘
