
As long as one resist the process of inner transformation, there can’t be change. No change = no growth! Be the change you want to see in this world, transform. With love ❤ S.


Those words one utter so quickly, can either hurt or uplift someone. Take care use your words wisely. It is seeds planted in a garden, nourished with the right intent, miracles happens. Are you the change you want in this world? With love ❤ S.


Today you are vibrating at the frequency that you deserve! If you’re happy, tune it up, if you’re sad, tune it up, if you’re melancholic, TUNE IT UP. Today one has the choice to make the decision to be the person one wants the world to be! Make the difference, tune in to a higher vibration, it is a choice!!!!!! With love ❤ S.


Actively being involved with a child’s upbringing! How does one do this correctly? The results are in the future, but believe me, today’s discipline creates the desired outcome, tomorrow. Life is vibrant and losers will always have excuses… winners just remain focussed with the tenacious spirit of a RATEL! (#honeybadger). Follow us on #ineuniverse for more! You’re awesome, believe in yourself and be the destiny that you deserve! With love ❤ S.


Balancing one’s activities between work, rest, health, fitness, finances, sport, dreams, goals etc, certainly has challenges! Putting it all in perspective and aligning the time each activity requires, creates success. Have you aligned today? With love ❤ S.


Those energies one allows in one’s life are the one’s creating the outcomes one experience! Every night before one drifts of to sleep, repeat and associate one’s desired outcomes for tomorrow. Raise your vibration and that will raise your outcomes. With love ❤ S.