Life shows us, often, that the underdog in a situation can still be triumphant, with heart felt determination! Do not give up, use everything ecological to achieve one’s desired outcome! With love ❤ S.
Life shows us, often, that the underdog in a situation can still be triumphant, with heart felt determination! Do not give up, use everything ecological to achieve one’s desired outcome! With love ❤ S.
Often one is measured on one’s performance on the day of competition. What is not measured is the, discipline, commitment and love for the game one has put in, when others aren’t looking. Enhanced performance is no coincidence, it is a process, daily! Is one performing on one’s A game, in life? With love ❤ S.
. Often one is measured on one’s performance on the day of competition. What is not measured is the, discipline, commitment and love for the game one has put in, when others aren’t looking. Enhanced performance is no coincidence, it is a process, daily! Is one performing on one’s A game, in life? With love ❤ S.
You’re winning, aren’t you? Blessed are your efforts! Nothing can stop you, unless you allow it! With love ❤ S.
Modern teaching are challenging the old norms, one has the opportunity to learn the modern world, unlocking one’s true purpose! Are you ready to live dangerously? With love ❤ S.
There ain’t no free lunch! Even one’s thoughts aren’t absolutely free, or is it? In society today there are constant influences that tolls our existence. Doing meditation and practiced breathing assist one to balance the energy and vibrations, attracting unlimited energy from the ether, although this energy is freely available one still has to pay the piper, in the form of conscious effort! With love ❤ S.
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