
Be clear when one use words, ask the audience to repeat what they heard, more often than not their interpretation is different from the actual meaning. Did you ever experience this? With love ❤ S.


 Just Do It. How often does one procrastinate by being, to perfect, precise and covering all angles? Act naturally with experience and trained confidence, if needed, tweak it. Remember, Just Do It! With love ❤ S.


Being in the situation limits one’s ability to see the bigger picture. Sometimes one needs to stand away from the action to see the whole situation. Are you seeing? With love ❤ S.


Sometimes one has to modify the route one embarked upon. They who adapts to circumstances are remaining in control. Be flexible and adapt, without compromise! With love ❤ S.


Practicing a daily regimen, surely the outcome will manifest. What did you practice yesterday to change today, influencing tomorrow? With love ❤ S.


As fruit on a tree ripens in stages, depending on various factors, one’s ideas grow and ripen. This process cannot be rushed nor prolonged. Is the window of opportunity limited for one to make the idea work? Action’s required once the fruit has ripened. With love ❤ S.