Certainly things will happen. How we act, creates a future result, you decide. I am in control of my life, aren’t I? With love ❤ S.
Certainly things will happen. How we act, creates a future result, you decide. I am in control of my life, aren’t I? With love ❤ S.
Once the value of one’s life was acknowledged, reward the action. The subconscious will be conditioned to believe it is the norm. Why? Action in the future become easier, subconsciously as the belief was created that there is a reward for the desired outcome. With love ❤ S.
Often one feels neglected, stop and ask. Why do I require outside validation? Be the force inside and acknowledge one’s own value! With love ❤ S.
Let the filters one use not intefere with today’s activity! One’s memory serves as a tool, use the active part as positive example and let the reactive be a lesson learned. With love ❤ S.
Sometimes the toughest decisions to make is the right decision. With love ❤ S
Sometimes the toughest decisions to make is the right decision. With love ❤ S
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