
What have one done today as an example to friends, co-workers, family and to one self? What was extraordinary in one’s life? Do not hesitate, play your drum, be the change. With love ❤ S.


A record of one’s daily activity. Create it as a fun activity to measure the changes one goes through. It is an account of ones growth and success. With love ❤ S.


A planned daily activity, as the cycle of life goes around one requires a period of rest to restore energy for the action that coming. What does rest comprise of, in your life? Have peace. With love ❤ S.


Everyday there are new beginnings. With experience one can select the seeds one plant. Will one use this knowledge consciously or just blunder into the same pattern? Be clear on what you plant! With love ❤ S.


Once one has decided on a route, stay the course! Downs or ups, it remains one’s will power to succeed, creating the desired outcome. With love ❤ S.


 What dreams may become is dependent on one’s actions. We are the best “I” and taking action brings our tasks to completeness.
With love 💕 S