
Be deliberate in one’s momentum, activity leads to results. Maintain the rhythm and ride the wave. With love ❤ S.


What successes are hidden in one’s story? Are those energies remembered and repeated? Finding a success solution and repeating it is ultimately using ones story to maximize the outcomes! With love ❤ S.


The frequency I am vibrating at attracts energy from the multiverse. This is controlled by one thing only, my conditioning, and that, we can adjust by decision. Now think, what is one’s frequency output vs the return? With love ❤ S.


Mostly a conditioning of the mind. What do you fear? Why? If one analyze one’s thoughts, then the following stands to be true, not so? False Evidence Appearing Real! Investigate the fear, filter out the false information and focus on what is real. With love ❤ S.


As one proceed through life, we filter events and seemingly even forget certain things. As a protection one even make up things from the past. Whatever filter one use, be proactive and focussed on the desired outcome. What are your filters? With love ❤ S.


When faced with a task that seems to big to handle, break it down into smaller parts. Be clear and make the chunk believable. With love ❤ S.
