Collecting information before making crucial decisions creates an opportunity to get the outcome one desire. Surround oneself with likeminded people and act as one unit with the information gathered. With love ❤ S.
Collecting information before making crucial decisions creates an opportunity to get the outcome one desire. Surround oneself with likeminded people and act as one unit with the information gathered. With love ❤ S.
Looking at a Wheel of Life, we notice there are different spokes. These resembles the different areas of life. To find balance, one exercise each area continuously. Let one area slip and give more attention to another and soon we find life out of balance. Which areas needs exercise in your life? With love ❤ S.
🙏Today is Freedom Day in SA, so let us once again remember that lasting, eternal freedom is an inner job. How do we discover it? By turning inward and not working in the outer world to establish it because it never lasts. At the same time we have to give ourselves to this life completely and fearlessly, moment by moment by moment. Amen.🍃🙏 by Desre Coetzee
Sometimes one gift another, do it with joy, respect and always love. At other times one receives gifts, receive with gratitude, acknowledgment and always love. With love ❤ S.
Doing what one enjoys doing, makes it easy to provide outstanding quality service. What unique trade do you offer as a service. With love ❤. S
As one access oneself, one shows respect by acknowledging achievement. Learn from failures and adjust to the winning frequency. Would one also wear that coat while dealing with others? With love ❤ S.
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