
It is a trait that one develops. View situations from outside as if in the 3rd person and calmly attain the whole viewpoint. Even in combat great leaders maintain calmness. With love ❤ S.


Not only theoretical learning and practical application, also a lot of observations. Seeing how things are done, makes learning so much easier. Great leaders show, rather than tell, that is education. With love ❤ S.

No One.

One’s association with the past is a lost fountain. Today seek the tower of one’s heart , act with love. You are the difference. ❤. With love ❤ S.


As one goes through life, there are changes in appearance. One experience this in the mind as well. How are you managing this process? Actively transforming creates desired outcomes, acting reactively, keeps one a prisoner to the past. Transform. With love ❤ S.