We all have it. What one dream one can achieve. Enhance your dreams with reading!
Read or audio listen to Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich!
With love ???? S.
❄️????In ego-consciousness, everything is personal in as much as the outer world is simply a projection of the past. There is the constant need for more, for things to be different. There is a perpetual resistance to what is. One is the prisoner of the ego-mind, there is suffering. Beyond ego–consciousness, in non-diality, everything is complete. Each living thing is the total expression of its potential(level of consciousness) at any given moment. Ambition and motivation fall away and action happens automatically. There is, therefore, no doer, no listener, no seer, no person behind the action. Life happens automatically, and there is a sense of completion and total fulfillment in every moment. There a inner peace that is not affected by anything. There is freedom from suffering g. Life is.????
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