
One can create absolutely anything 1 wants! Two important elements: - do not hurt other persons & - do not take away from another! Manipulate energy and create, you have absolute power over everything in your life. Now manipulate and embrace that power! There is...

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In business and general life, and non emotional events, refrain from saying sorry, indicating sadness or sorrow. Rather say “my apology or I apologize”, indicating regret and disappointment. Making this small adjustment can have huge benefits, try...

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We can create anything that we desire, good or bad, by speaking it into existence! Focus on what one desires, clearly define the details and speak it into existence. There is great power in words, use it wisely, be ecological! With love ❤ S. #ineuniverse

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There is some that believe our life path is predetermined, and that might be so! However our conscious actions determine outcomes, and the actions we take now influence tomorrow! One can adjust one’s actions and consciously adjust one’s behavior. Choose your pathway...

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A very desired state of being, for high functioning individuals! Solitude is a period of recouping and relaxation! Schedule time of solitude in one’s monthly program! With love ❤ S. #ineuniverse

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Channel the energy to vibrate in resonance with the desired outcome! With love ❤ S. #ineuniverse

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Sometimes drapped in work clothes, there are opportunities out there, look past the work and find the solution, take action. With love ❤ S. #ineuniverse

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Outcomes are directly proportional to the input, clarify the process and communication. Listen to feedback, act decisively. The desired outcome is achieved with clarity! With love ❤ S.

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Our brain, body & soul is mainly liquid. Universal consciousness is energy vibrating at various frequencies, in this liquid frequency. Resonate in liquid awareness. With love ❤ S.

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We are constantly bombarded with information via all media platforms, shaping our views and values. However, is that truly you? Be conscious of the content one allows to shape your life. With love ❤ S.

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Peace and calmness. Daily part of the plan. Find a place, early morning, before the busy day start, and go into meditation! The energy one send out is equal to what one receives back. Be calm in your daily routine! With love ❤ S.

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This habit will create more genuine relationships than one could ever imagine. What you say behind anothack, reflects on yourself, speak respectful things about others! With love ❤ S.

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Inspirational Sayings & Positive Thoughts

Daily Quote 57

​????????We are living in post-normal times – a period between the old that is dying and the new that still needs to be born. A time to expect the unexpected, a time to become comfortable with the uncomfortable – to dance even if we don’t know the tune. What an exceptional time to be alive – a time of unprecedented  opportunities to leap in consciousness. A time of contributing to the new world.????????

Daily Quote 54

????????Un-awareness is the cause of ALL suffering. It deprives one of peace, love, joy, honesty, intelligence, decisiveness and responsibility. ????????

Daily Quote 53

????????If we want to utilize these extreme times to grow and deepen spiritually, we have to start by opening our hearts – to reach out and carry the most vulnerable amongst us. And in that discover our own vulnerability, our own humanness, our own fallibility. After all, that is why we are here – to live our highest potential as human beings: I AM ANOTHER YOU.????

Daily Quote 52

????????The ego-mind(need) and the heart(love) never meet. As lower consciousness and higher consciousness never meet. The two can never be at the same time. It’s either the one or the other. What determines which it will be? Attention.Where you place your attention makes ALL the difference. You get to decide in every moment.????????

Daily Quote 49

????????Freedom from the roller coaster of human suffering is to transcend the person-hood of the ego-mind all together. This requires a practice of being in the moment with TOTAL interest and availability to ALL, love, compassion, joy and intense curiosity, abiding in the calm and Presence of infinite awareness; Present in the Presence.????????

Daily Quote 48

????????Awareness is about acceptance of _what_ _is_ in the moment. It is an inner happening that instantaneously transcends the ego-mind and it’s tendency to fight or resist. Acceptance of the moment results in constructive outer action that allows a flow with Life that serves ALL. It allows for a trust in Life: A faith that everything is in place – ALWAYS.????????

Daily Quote 45

????????The term ‘spiritual ego or pride’ refers to the result of the illusion that there is a ‘personal self’ that is doing the spiritual work. The spiritual ego is counteracted by humility and gratitude that emanates from the Self. Spiritual intention attracts higher levels of consciousness which are experienced as grace: Life waking up to Itself in Itself.????????

Daily Quote 44

????????It is important to realize that which is REAL brings peace and that which is from the ego-mind brings fear. ????????

Daily Quote 43

????????All spiritual learning is unlearning. One does not learn patience, one unlearns impatience. How does one unlearn impatience? You have to become aware. You have to SEE the impatience when it is there. See it as often as possible. Seeing it again and again brings a realization that brings about transformation – the collapse of impatience and the natural emergence of patience. TO SEE IS TO BE FREE.????????

Daily Quote 42

????????Remember that you ARE love. It is your VERY nature. All that is needed is to live it. To express it, to let it flow, to allow it to happen. ????????