What prominence does one exhibit in the unlimited universe? What difference did you make today? With love ❤ S.
Have an attitude of gratitude, experience the unlimited possibilities awaken by the flow of energy one created! With love ❤ S.
What does one reflect upon life? The energy that we put out, is the energy that we receive back. With love ❤ S.
Be grateful and thankful, one receives more than one acknowledge. Just being able to read this makes one unique in this world. Channel daily energy and appreciate your blessings. With love ❤ S.
A healthy lifestyle choice, is a decision, the earlier one make the commitment the better the opportunity for a healthy transformation. Have you made that decisive choice? With love ❤ S.
There is a lot of give and take involved. Are you a taker or giver? Neither is correct, successful networking happens when all parties involved give and take, equally. With love ❤ S.
Saw an interesting video, seemingly a person’s shadow disappeared, just a moment. Where did your shadow go today? Was it ecological, with meaning and purpose? With love ❤ S.
Act as if one is the most unique person in the world, be extraordinary. Attract unlimited abundant energy by doing everything with extraordinary willingness. With love ❤ S.
Creating an action plan for one’s life is vital. So many people are just flowing by on the current. Apply a morning, wake up, charge up and action routine, the amazing effects are noticeable in days. Have the courage to be
Do you see the flying image? Everything we see, use and have started in someone’s imagination. Set the inner creator free and use one imagination. With love ❤ S.
Got this online, but found it powerful. ✅ F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours. ✅ With love ❤ S.
All is energy. When used constructively it benefits mankind. Coordinate similar tasks to use time more effectively. With love ❤ S.