Real life happens, accept it within your abilities . Real life happens when one’s dreams are unleashed. Choose. With love ❤ S.
Healthy competition is great, it triggers energy to be better. Know your strengths and weaknesses, limitations are often only in one’s own mind. With love ❤ S.
Know when to accept it and when to give it! Not all advise are asked for, walk away, the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do! With love ❤ S.
Stand up and act in the moment, the past is done, the future will come. Be the best you right NOW. With love ❤ S.
So much, to much, just energy! Time vs space, life is happening! Live now. With love ❤ S. ps. Your prayers and blessings for my DAD is valued!
All the best plans by man, sometimes deviate to resonate in frequency with the universal energy. Live in the NOW, gratefully and ecologically. With love ❤ S.
It is amazing when challenges occur, how one’s support network appears. Often from resources long forgotten. By giving in time of others need, paying it forward, one secure energy for the future. With love ❤ S.
How does one remain real to oneself? Clearly defined goals? How does one do that? Journal and be expressive, you’re commander of your future! Be the how! With love ❤ S.
Find like minded people and create a mastermind group, employing the energy to create desired outcomes. All is possible. With love ❤ S.
Create a daily routine that is flexible and easy to follow. As one gets used to the routine, tighten it incrementally, remain comfortable. Be disciplined. With love ❤ S.
Is it that you want? Write it down! Journal, somewhere, you can see it all the time! With love ❤ S. Be Insouciant.
De Javu.
Is it a vision or remembrance? Quantum energy or frequency? With love ❤ S.