There ain’t no free lunch! One pays for each activity one experience, either in cold hard cash or time! Studies show that, what one pays for in time has a longer lasting impact, than experiences that was bought with money! Value time, it is an unlimited commodity,...
Developing the conscious mind to accept insight when received and letting the subconscious experience the AhHa moment, is vital for conditioning oneself. This is a habit that serves one’s desired outcomes. With love ❤ S.
Are you often aware of events before it occurs?Good. Indicated awareness. This is an integral part of success. With love ❤ S.
It’s everything isn’t it? With love ❤ S.
Through conditioning humans are taught to fit a certain status in life, and when someone breaks the boundaries they are condemned. This fear reduce millions to be mere puppets. Live limitless in an ecological way. With love ❤ S.
Be ecological and realize, one’s self importance is valued only by self. More important is one’s actions, pay it forward. Your choices makes the difference. With love ❤ S.
What sets the boundaries and limitations in one person’s life, is a challenge and goal to achieve for another. Live life without limitations, clarify one’s objectives and diligently follow the designed path. Be passionate. With love ❤ S.
One’s existence does sometimes require to herd up! Survival is an act of closely working together, with like mindedness. Have you found your flock? With love ❤ S. Eende uit die selfde dam. 🥰
Each of us has a great story to tell. Unique experiences, adventures and exploration. Write it down, create a journal, record your life. Was your story ever told? With love ❤ S.
Before going to bed write down 3 things one is grateful for, let it simmer during your sleep, and read it out loud in the morning. This will have life changing effects. With love ❤ S.
When one is involved with NOW and active as well as reactive things in life happens, we forget gratitude, don’t we? It’s not always easy to have gratitude, as life plays out it’s divine plan, but do it daily. With love ❤. S
Living life purposefully, with a scheduled plan, is attainable, don’t you think? Every night before one goes to bed, journal the past day and view / create, in writing the plan for tomorrow. Live one’s purpose! With love ❤ S.