Consciously being aware of oneself and our emotions is an integral component of self growth, guard thy words that flow from thy mouth, once uttered it can never return!!! With love ❤ S.
What did this emotion serve one today? Did it have constructive purpose? With love ❤ S.
What are the main driving forces in modern society? Would you agree that there are basically only two? Money and purpose, take away purpose and it doesn’t matter how much money one earns, there is no longer the desire for it! Purpose is the key element, what is your...
Greetings and love, shared. Today love is shared in these times of world conflict. It’s out there as energy, let’s try and live in universal love! With love ❤ S.
It’s a journey and on each trip to the next destination one decides to act with love, joy and happiness. The alternative seems to come naturally for most. Make a conscious choice of being happy! Create your own happiness. With love ❤ S.
One can’t change past results, but we can influence future outcomes. If one doesn’t like the results being received, take ecological action to influence future events. Be the change you want in the future! With love ❤ S.
When last did one leave something important behind? You’re not forgotten, instead very much loved. Resonate with passion and vibrancy. With love ❤ S.
Do you find that, the more you learn about a subject, the more you want to know? All knowledge is within, one just needs the triggers to stimulate its release. With love ❤ S.
Taking advantage of the opportunities in financial markets. Is one in tune with opportunities in reality, to capitalize when it appears? Journal daily, the surprise is when suddenly opportunities appear, from nowhere. With love ❤ S.
Be flexible, and surround oneself with helpful people. Ask for what one desires, nobody can know what one wants until one asks. With love ❤ S.
Some will last and others will weather and collapse. So it is with relationships. Select which are important and dedicate efforts to hold onto them, do you know when you’ll need them? With love ❤ S.
When last did you take a dedicated hour or more to review your current situation, make notes and adjusted your approach, if needed? Make time for yourself! With love ❤ S.