Mind, body and soul! One tend to get so involved chasing the dream that we sometimes forget to look after no 1. Do you live with a disciplined plan? With love ❤ S.
Preserve one’s privacy, others do not need to know about one’s hardship! They’ll probably take advantage! Keeping matters private, aids in the healing process. Protect yourself! With love ❤ S.
Physical and mental health is equally important for living in the now. Some are so obsessed with creating wealth, that they neglect health and visa versa. Balance daily activities to achieve the pinnacle of your dreams. With love ❤ S.
Studies has shown that humans sub consciously alter memories to protect the conscious mind, especially trauma and tradgic memories. Would this be helpful if one learned to consciously adjust one’s own memories? Recalling uplifting experiences and thoughts to face...
Take a moment, sit still for a few seconds, take a deep breath, and allow your mind to relax! Which sensations are triggered? Just direct your attention back to the now, your immediate, current situation, be still in the moment! Become aware of yourself. Stay in the...
Tune in to the frequency that allow one to focus with singularity on the desired outcome. Imagine playing darts and hitting the red center every single time! With love ❤ S.
Although highly recommended and required if one desire to work for another, not required should one act out one’s passion and entrepreneurial ability! The world is filled with workers, employed by passionate leaders that understand how to surround themselves with...
Are you considered trustworthy? How do one know this? What measure does one use to judge the trustworthiness in others? Is it in the alignment of vibration at the same frequency? Ponder on this for a while. With love ❤ S.
Subjective view, influenced by personal experience and emotions, reactive behavior. Objective view, an impartial objective outlook, considering facts, making active decisions. How one use your viewpoint, is part of one’s conditioning. We do have a choice, don’t we?...
To assist another during difficult times, empathy is required. Being able to share feelings and emotions from one’s own experiences. Sympathy, is feeling and sharing anothers hurt and pain, being involved in another’s pain. Decide carefully how you support others!...
Are you open to new information and taking guidance to achieve desired outcomes? Do you give guidance, with up to date information? Great leaders and coaches remain flexible, adapting to change, are you? With love ❤ S. #ineuniverse
Those who understands the proportion of the body will understand that one needs to listen twice as much, than one is talking. Listening and observing another is a true sign of intelligence, and the person most flexible with listening skills, is the person in control....