Lockdown Day 57 – Things happen!

Sustainable change is possible for everyone. At INE the team is looking at the individual person and what outcome they desire.

Using your senses we guide you to finding a way to accept who you are and embrace how you internalize circumstances.

Unfreezing personal issues, you are guided to awake your inner champion and shown how to make sustainable changes!

You are…. CHAMPION…

Using the music and scripts available you can master everything you desire!

Enjoy an awesome day!

With love ???? S.

Lockdown Day 56 – Hesitation

By now one will be in a daily rhythm with the download and listening to the music. Your vision board has taken a life of its own, did it not?

The most important thing one now need to do, is staying the course! Planting the seeds was a step and now nurturing those seed is a process and one should not hesitate.

As in all of life stand tall and continue with dedicated focus on your life journey.

If assistance is required, do not hesitate to contact us at www.ineuniverse.com

We are there for you and a unique solution can be developed for you!!!

Take time to break the social mould of acceptance and let’s co-create a product for you to achieve your desired outcome.

Do not wait, do not hesitate, your moment is now!

With love ???? S.

Lockdown Day 53

Lockdown Day 53

Remember to continue your daily exercise and reap the rewards!
We are blessed to be here.

Have an awesome day..
With love ???????? S.

Lockdown Day 52 – Take to heart ❤️

Lockdown Day 52 – Take to heart ❤️

Everything one does has a future result. Good or bad.
As one continue listening to the music and practice the breathing exercise, one is opening the portals for future outcomes!
The poster / vision board is a mere tool to assist one to co create a desired outcome!
One can plant and nurture the seeds for future success or merely let time just go by….
I am is the words that is the most powerful and what ever follow that, will define one’s future outcome!
You are god-like and co-creator …. stand tall and accept your outcome!

With love ???? S.

Lockdown Day 51 – Step up your game!

Lockdown Day 51 – Step up your game!

Today is a time of reflection…. sometimes one need an assessment of the current situation! Some awesome feedback … thanks for those who participated and provided feedback, assisting me to make a few small tweaks to the presentation of my daily material.

Just repeat the breathing exercise and continue listening to your music ????.

For the few who did not get a download or given feedback, it would be appreciated if you follow the process and give us feedback.

We are thankful for your input thus far!

The following script was done specifically for a golfer ????️ but tweak the words to fill your required outcome!

With love ???? S.

PS. If you feel that you are not getting a benefit from the daily rambling, also let us know. We aim to serve a wider audience and while this is compact… it is time for adjustments…. ????????????????????????