Lockdown Day 303 – Wisdom

Wisdom. In a fast and constantly changing society one sometimes finds oneself caught up having to make quick decisions. However one should not act hastily. One finds wisdom in making quick decisions from ones clearly defined life plan. Subconsciously and instinctively the wise solutions will present itself in line with one’s ultimate goals. Breath and quickly act with wisdom in line with the desired outcome. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 302 – Jealousy

The ego acting as a destroyer! Focus your energy and be aware. You can’t control what others do, however… you are in full control of how you react. Jealousy, the destroyer!!! Let our team of coaches assist, when you are caught in this web of self destruction! Remember… Sh*ft happens, I am acting with focussed attention and I am in control! With love πŸ’• S. Ps. Visit our offering @ # www.ineuniverse.com # for more products to assist you being the change you perceive in your ineverse….

Lockdown Day 301 – Faith

Going to bed and expecting to wake up the next day is real faith. Happy and joyous people do not have everything They make the best with what they have in total faith, that the planned goals they desire is already coming into place. This is living with dissipline and commitment. Trust your focussed energy and have faith in the fact that your energy is being channeled towards your desired outcomes. πŸ₯‡ I am faithful to my goals and I am achieving the desired outcomes. My oneness with the creator gives me the power of a mustard seed, I am living a blessed life and I am grateful! Abundance follows my focussed attention to the desired outcome. I am thankful and I am blessed. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 300 – Accepting

Unbelievable, is it not. This strange period in time will certainly change how humankind interacts, how our energy is shared and how we develop. Accepting the circumstances is not equal to giving in. Accepting means one use the opportunity and experience to create different memories and neuro pathways. Our global experience has been adjusted. By accepting the circumstances one gets to focus on doing things in a different way and take up the new opportunities. Accept who you are! Never before have you been more prepared to be the ultimate you. Unique with a skill set an experience only you have to make a difference… Accept your circumstances and use the tools already in the bag to achieve your desired outcomes. Remember, your self talk…. I am and I have. My control over my thoughts and actions is endemic (πŸ€ͺπŸ™„πŸ˜œ) to my conditioning… I am what I allow and I accept that I am managing my energy and vibrate in the abundance of success available. I am. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 299 – Move

Get up and get going. There is a constant activity and it is up to one self to actively participate. Get the energy going! Channel time wisely and get moving. With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 298 – Social

Once our freedom of social movement is inhibited mass humanity suddenly reacts. Does this mean it is something new? No it’s not. History is repeating itself! πŸ©πŸ• However how I react to the circumstances changing, is totally within my control. The easiest way out is to conform, is it not? 🚒 Let it go and let GOD have HIS wonderful way! There is a singular abundance of conformity. β€œGet your piece of the action now” or sit and wonder what happened! The old saying of getting out of the way of people making the change, is today more valid than ever before! Now act! Get out of your own way!!! Be open to the abundance available within and in the multiverse! I am the change and I provide active energy to all those around me! I am that I am! I act with surety and conviction, I have… everything and more than I desire.βœ… With love πŸ’• S.