Lockdown Day 267 – Overhaul

Sometimes things happens and due to various reasons a reactive overhaul is required. Mainly because one did not follow a disciplined active maintenance plan. Time and energy with a structured routine is required, to mentally strengthen oneself. We as humans have an amazing rebound capability once we clarify our desired outcomes. πŸ”‘ Is it possible that a major overhaul during some cycles of life is required…? Once we strayed and left the course, it might be time for reactive correction. At that point in one’s life, our team of qualified β€œmechanics” (qualified practioners in various principles) are standing by to assist and gently guide one through the process. One recognizes the symptoms long before the breakdown… how long one takes to act and take action to do corrective adjustments is an element of one’s ego. An active aware mind will be more flexible to accept intervention vs an ego filled sluggish self driven attitude! YES, the answers are locked within the I am. However one requires exposure to broaden the horizons for a wider range of tools to start the overhaul. One has the fundamental right to make changes and achieve different outcomes. 🌎

Our actions today are changing the outcomes of tomorrow. Inactivity prolong the status quo!🌍 It is oneself that are responsible for the choice or not, to commit to the outcomes that we desire! There is unlimited abundance available, energy beyond our wildest dreams. Once a person is ready and actively make the decisions to take their share they are surprised when the flow starts. Often proclaiming β€œI should have done this long ago”. It is never the wrong or right time. Your time is NOW! Act NOW. ❀️

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown: Day 266 – Maintenance

Everyone needs to everyday do a mental check and ensure that we do not allow little things to slip into our energy field and start breaking down our dreams and vision. This is active management. To assist with that one use daily affirmations and self confirmation mantras maintaining the desired status quo. At www.ineuniverse.com a set of tools are available to assist one’s active maintenance.

With love πŸ’• S. ♻️ ps. Look πŸ‘€ out for tomorrow’s message…..

Lockdown Day 265 – Reflection

As the world 🌍 is changing pace and winding down towards the year end one place more emphasis on contemplation and reflection. This year was filled with unique circumstances. Journal and let go of all that energy that is cropped up within and release the reactive emotions. Today one prepare the fertile soul by letting go of the past. Just do it!

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 264 – Letting go!

How silly 😝 our connection with things past. The lies we endure. Today, live with knowledge, lies are lies, even if with from within! You are amazing πŸ˜‰ but you have to let go of the past experiences. You have exceptional awareness. You are awesome πŸ‘.

With love πŸ’• S.

Lockdown Day 263 – Attachment vs abundance

While one is attached too stuff one cannot really give freely. If one does not have apples 🍎 🍏 to share one needs to go and acquire it. One cannot share what one does not have. While one is attached one is limiting the energy of receiving. Let the energy go and allow it to thrive, if it was yours to be, it will return in active abundance. There is unlimited energy in the world 🌎 but one can not hoard it. Detachment is the key! Once understood one realize that those with seemingly unlimited resources has learned the art of letting go! One cannot give love if one does not have self love! Go find it locked away inside, journal πŸ“” everyday. You have all you need and more, locked within! βš›οΈ @ www.ineuniverse.com there is a whole set of tools available in the form of audio downloads.

There is a discipline in successful abundance. Those that practice the art of detachment and giving, with letting go of the EGO, receive exponentially more abundance. Detached thoughts allow YOU to tap into the abundance of higher energy available. And one receives this without even making a dent in the resources available. Let Go an Let GOD have HIS Wonderful Way! ♻️

With love πŸ’• S.

In unlimited abundance!!! 🌿🌿🌿 ps. I want is a future word, may you consider to replace want with have? I have is a current word! πŸƒI have let go of relationships / things / dreams and desires that no longer serve the purpose of abundance in my life. I am open and I am thriving on the abundance that I receive. I use this energy to the ecological benefit of myself and I have so much that I can share with mankind. I am making the difference I see in the world! I have and continuously receive energy beyond the wildest thoughts I ever dreamt and envisioned. I am providing services that is making a difference and I have a thriving lifestyle. I am that I am! I daily use affirmations to further enhance my outcomes, I am blessed and I am grateful. I receive GRACE! β™₯️

Lockdown Day 262 – Live

Live today, embrace every moment. As the seconds tick past we are assured they will never return. Seize the moment smile and let out the love for living. Share a hug πŸ€— even if it is with yourself πŸ™ You are the best friend you have, take care of that precious bundle of energy. Treat yourself fairly and with honesty. Be aware. Love ❀️ yourself without egos, just be. Always remember what you plant and feed is what grows…. you decide how your mental garden develops.

With love πŸ’• S.