A healthy body, healthy mind and healthy soul. These are the objectives of www.ineuniverse.com. One can not sustain these aspects on its own. In today’s competitive world we are to be aware that the combination of what we eat, read, hear and allow into our being, creates who we are. To endure this competitive environment the most flexible one’s are those that leads the race. Our ability to act egoless is strengthened by us continually feeding the mind. At ineuniverse our audio products offers the opportunity to create the mental endurance required to remain optimally the best YOU at all times. Take 20 minutes daily for 30 days and experience the enduring outcome? Get you out of your way act today! With love 💕 S.

🍃🙏The human experience offers the maximum opportunity for spiritual awakening. The ego-mind sees personal as well as social/political conflicts as obstacles to peace and happiness. In contrast, the spiritual Self sees perfection in the very same world.🍃🙏

Change is in the air
