When you open your eyes this morning imagine a million dollars in your bank account. Observe how that makes you feel. Does it make one feel happy? If yes, Repeat that every morning for the next year and see how the universal laws work. With love 💕 S.


Today I see the light, close to me. As the border comes closer I realise that the edge will eventually fetch one and all. We are not immune! My being aches and find solice in the sparkling stars beyond. I am today sharing a good bye… My brother, my best friend, confidant, collaborator, advisor, role model, stabiliser, reality check, super hero and all the words that is more. GOD cashed in his check, the protection guides his next journey. I am praying protection over the family. Let his light in life now shine and light the path for each of their journeys. Auf Wiedersehen Uwe Krohnert.

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Stephan le Roux