Getting attached to things causes stagnation. Let go or rust away, those things one seem to be most attached to are preventing one’s development. Let go. With love ❤ S.
Transformation of consciousness from sleep to a state of awakening. Relaying information with a direct transformation without words, one’s ecological thoughts into reality. Have one achieved this state of zen? With love ❤ S
Have the commitment to start working on your dreams, have the consistency to complete what you started. This is achieved with decisive discipline! With love ❤ S.
How does this get established? The old saying “History is written by the victor”, makes one think! How much of what one hear as truth, is true, and from whose perspective! With love ❤
The way one becomes aware through hearing feeling and sensing of the environment around you. Perspective. Regarding things in relative true importance! How often does one allow one’s perception to make decisions rather than putting things in perspective? With love ❤...
f one feels oppressed and stuck in the noise from the world, relax and take a breath. Clarify your thoughts and intentions, use this time to plan positive events. Adjust your frequency and vibrate at a higher frequency. Practice visualization of the outcome you desire...
The urge to control. Seldom, if ever is one in control of circumstances or events that happens, in life. How one act or react is in one’s hands. Let go of the need to compulsively control events and see how the burdens drop from one’s shoulders. Planning is essential,...
What great idea did you act out. How did it work out? Did you learn anything? Can it be replicated? Take new ideas and align learned experience to achieve desired results. Vibrate in tune with ecological active experience! With love ❤ S.
Just a thought for the weekend!
Are you where you want to be? Yes. 👍 Ok ✅. If not, grow, feed manure to the ideas and change the circumstances! Do it now!
Sometimes being silent has a lot more value than one would think. Pick your time to be heard with care, know your audience. A simple smile is often the best answer! With love ❤ S.
There is a few ways to protect your teeth. Brush regularly, see the dentist, wear a gum guard and most importantly, keep your opinions to yourself and your mouth shut. With love ❤ S.
How often is one held captive by past beliefs and conditions, believed to be true? Then only to have the foundation shaken to the bone? One’s convictions in life create the outcomes we achieve. Align with the frequency desired and vibrate with ultimate perfection....