Lockdown Day 97 – Touch

Everything one does influence the world around us!

Think what you do and the lives that you touch.

With love ???? S.


❄️????An “experience” is something that can be remembered and filed away in photo’s and videos. A “me” encountering “something”. “Experiencing” is “

Being” – wonder itself, the gentle touch of being One with all that is in the moment. If you haven’t heard life whispering to you lately, NOW is a good time to listen.❄️????

Lockdown Day 96 – Journal

The process should be recorded, this provides the advantage off repeating the actions were the desired outcomes was received. Tweaking details if the results was less than desired is much easier if the process was clearly journaled ????

With love ???? S.


❄️????Have you ever experienced the night going? Have you ever experienced the evening coming? The sunrise and its beauty? Very few people are aware of what is happening in and around them. They are blind to life because of all the attention and importance given to the ego-mind and its activities. In such a beautiful world most people are living in a small pond of their own illusions and projections – their own suffering. It is familiar, so even when the opportunity is there for them to wake up, they choose suffering. Beyond the ego-mind there is so much joy, but you have to be aware of it – you have to be available, a participant, not a spectator. Mind is a spectator, awareness is participation. Participate in the night leaving, participate in the stars and participate in the clouds, make availability  a lifestyle and discover the reality and beauty of life. You could not have dreamed of anything more alive and spectacular.❄️????

Lockdown Day 95 – Action

What dreams may become is dependent on one’s actions. We are the best “I” and taking action brings our tasks to completeness.

With love ???? S.


❄️????The art of awareness, the act of being aware in the moment is not that simple. To be in the moment, here, now, requires committed and dedicated practise like any other skill worth learning. It has to become a way of living to facilitate progress on the inner path. TO SEE IS TO BE FREE.❄️????

Lockdown Day 94 – Freedom

Lockdown Day 94 – Freedom

One’s efforts are rewarded in equal parts to the dedication one puts in to the task at hand!

This time in the world is difficult and one needs to remember that self drive to a dedicated task is an motivation that makes one get up and succeed.

Have an awesome experience and be focused!

❄️????At some point on the inner path one becomes aware that it is impossible to direct the nature and  pace of inner transformation through intent and action. For Life lives itself and like everything else, also directs the awakening of consciousness. The glove does not move the hand. It is the other way around. ❄️????

Lockdown Day 93 – Commitment

One broadcast true desire by staying on the planned path, until the end goal is achieved!

With love ???? S.


❄️????When aware mundane tasks can take on a sacred quality when they are performed with total involvement, total availability, without the need for recognition or reward. We are facing a time now when awareness in every moment will bring more peace than any attempt to be brilliant, clever or extra-ordinary. The teacher represented by unpresidented times, is to take things easy, and simply , one step at a time. Moment by moment. To go slow and steady. To live HERE and NOW.❄️????